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cours privés: 20$ heure
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Compteur de rangs bracelet
* english follows
Un compteur de rang qui ne vous fera pas sortir vos lunettes. Que des billes et des cubes à compter! Comptage jusqu'à 30.
Facile, simple, efficace!
*sur demande, le grelot, peut être remplacé par un coquillage ou une grosse bille.
**contactez-moi si vous désirez commander en grande quantité :
Prix: 15$CAD. Livraison inluse par Postes Canada
**contactez-moi si vous désirez commander de plus grandes quantités :
Easy-read row counter
Just wear it and start keeping track of your work!
Description: double strings hold beads and cubes separated in the center by a larger bead (or bell). The row-counter attaches simply by inserting the «elongated button» in the other end of the strings. Available in two formats : necklace (10 beads and ten cubes) and bracelet ( 5 beads and five cubes).
How to use it: start by setting all the beads and cubes in place, sliding them close to the center larger bead (or bell). As you knit or crochet, each time you finish a row ( or a sequence of stitches or anything that needs counting like decreases, increases...) slide one bead up to the end of the string. The beads and cubes are strung so that once pushed up they cannot go back down without you sliding them in the opposite direction.
Once all the beads have been used, they can be slid backwards as a cube is slipped up to represent them all. With the bracelet, 1 cube stands for 5 beads, for a total coount of 30 .
The beads and cubes can also be used to count different things: for example one set can take note of decreases while the other set takes note of rows. The combinations are endless!
Specially designed for the visually-impaired and the blind it is adopted by everyone hating to read small numbers and move little plastic pieces, fiddling with elastics that eventually get loose or break, having to take notes on a piece or paper or keeping phone or tablet at hand when knitting or doing crochet!
Price: 15$ $CAD, Delivery included with Canada Post
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